
One of the world’s leading experts on email management to improve personal and business performance and well-being

Monica Seeley

Dr Monica Seeley, founder of Mesmo Consultancy, is an international authority on email best practice. Author of The Executive Secretary Guide to Taking Control of Your Inbox and Brilliant Email, Monica enables organisations and individuals to manage their use of email more effectively to improve business and personal performance and communications. Through her one-to one coaching, workshops and strategic consultancy, those who work with her are able to save time and dramatically reduce email overload, which has become one of the major drains on people’s productivity. Her clients are drawn from a wide range of organisations of all sizes from the public, private and not-for-profit sector. Over the past fifteen years she has coached and trained thousands of business executives, at all levels in the organisation and from a wide variety of roles including CEOs, finance directors, warehouse managers, sales personnel, marketing, engineering, Assistants, EAs and receptionists. Monica is a Visiting Fellow at Sir John Cass Business School, City University and Bournemouth University Business School. Her research includes the future of email and the use of social technology to improve communications.