
Humorist, Storyteller, Writer, and Trainer

Kemetia Foley

Kemetia MK Foley is a humorist, storyteller, writer, and trainer. She is fierce, funny and phenomenal – energetically delivering outstanding professional development courses since 2007. Kemetia has written, developed, and taught several sections of the Administrative Assistant certificate course for Northern Virginia Community College Workforce Development Division, presented more than 100 training sessions, and traveled internationally providing thoughtful perspectives and approaches to customer service, storytelling, and marketing. Students and delegates frequently comment how much they love her genuine and humorous teaching approach, sharing stories from her own experiences in the workplace. Kemetia earned her Bachelor of Science, Business Administration from the University of Mary Washington, and holds the Certified Administrative Professional® designation from the International Association of Administrative Professionals. She will gladly profess to anyone her love of coffee, sports, marching bands, and Twitter. Kemetia and her husband Brian relocated in 2019 from the DC Metro region to reside in a small village on the southern Maine seacoast, and are superbly proud parents of their brilliant daughter, Kateri – a 2020 graduate of the College of Science at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, Virginia.