
Consultant, Life/Transformational Coach and Founder of The Bearcat Running Club

Caitlin Limmer

In 2004, Caitlin Limmer’s husband was told she had just 40 minutes to live. This illness and an additional rare blood cancer, MDS, has made Caitlin grab every opportunity life has thrown her way since – and she is passionate about encouraging others to do the same. Over the past 15 years, Caitlin’s run 17 marathons, – including one in a 7-foot heavy beer bottle outfit – swum ultra-marathons, cycled the Prudential 100 Ride London on a heavy tandem, raised thousands of pounds for a blood cancer charity which she has subsequently been made the Patron of. She set up a huge, thriving community running club, been awarded Richmond Council Community award for sport and charity, won the Prime Minister’s Point of Light Award and been praised by former PM David Cameron for her “tireless dedication.” And that barely scratches the surface. Caitlin’s drive to improve people’s lives through exercise and community spirit is a serious one. The races she has directed, and the BeaRCat running club she founded, go way beyond physical fitness. Caitlin has continuously helped people with mental illnesses find confidence, and challenged others to be more open-minded and cultivate new friendships – from all ages, abilities and disabilities.