
Internal Networks Expert | Advocate for the Profession

Simone White

Simone White has worked within administration for nearly 25 years. Passion for administration motivated her to create an internal network for administrative professionals, supporting over 500 individuals globally. She is a leading voice advocating for the profession. Simone collaborates with administrative professionals and business leaders to promote the inclusion of assistants as active, impactful participants as well as executers, raising awareness of the historical bias towards the profession. She highlights the need for the profession to be more diverse in terms of gender, race and ability and to be strategically included by organisations when building DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) programs. Simone has presented globally on topics such as The Power of Networks, Leadership, Ownership and Belonging, and Inclusion and has had articles published online and in print. She is an EPAA Fellow, a member of the Diversity, Inclusion & Belonging Team, and an Advisory Board member for Practically Perfect PA. Her work has been recognised and celebrated with awards from Women in Investments in 2021 and WeAreTheCity in 2016.

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