
Coach-Mentor, International Speaker and Trainer

Dinah Liversidge

Dinah Liversidge helps people go from “thinking outside the box”, to “no-box thinking”. Her total belief that “there is no box” has allowed Dinah to overcome several, serious, health challenges, not least a road accident which resulted in eleven years in a wheelchair, and major heart surgery in 2013. Today, walking again, and delivering talks and training internationally, she is living proof of the power of thinking yourself out of a box, and has created a life and a future she was told were not on her horizon. Her background in Corporate started at SmithKline Beecham as a PA to the Marketing Manager for Anti-infectives, which was to lead to 14 amazing years of opportunity, travel and event management. Dinah and her husband have been entrepreneurs since 2004, setting up and running three successful businesses in diverse sectors, they now live a ‘portfolio lifestyle’ pursuing several of their passions. Dinah lives in Carmarthenshire in South-West Wales with her husband, John. She offers Mentoring and Coaching to those dealing with massive change, speaks and delivers training Internationally and also works as an Independent Celebrant in the local community.